What is Bendigo Bank House?
Part of Bendigo Health’s AccommodationServices, Bendigo Bank House provides 15 affordable, low-cost accommodation suites to support patients and their families who may be visiting

Bendigo during their treatments. Suites range from studio ensuite rooms with communal kitchen facilities, to one, two and three-bedroom self-contained family suites.

Am I eligible?
Bendigo Bank House is available to Bendigo Health patients who require inpatient or outpatient services. Supporting family members are also eligible for the accommodation.

Patients and their family must live more than 60 kilometres from Bendigo Health to be eligible. Please talk to a relevant Bendigo Health staff member to check your eligibility.

How do I book in at Bendigo Bank House?
A medical referral from a Bendigo Health staff member and a Bendigo Bank House Application form must be completed before you are offered this accommodation.

Please speak with a relevant Bendigo Health staff member or contact Bendigo Health Accommodation services on (03) 54546983 or (03) 5454 8209. All bookings are subject to availability on the dates requested.

Do I need to be a Bendigo Bank customer?
No. Bendigo Bank are proud to support Bendigo Bank House for anyone visiting Bendigo for treatment or to support their loved ones.

Bendigo Bank believes that supporting the community is an important way to give back, especially to those in a time of need.

Is there a fee?
Prices range from $40-60/night. This fee is to cover maintenance and cleaning costs at the facility.
