Fitness for Older Adults Program

The Social Support Group (SSG) provides social, intellectual, physical and emotional stimulation to help clients maintain living and social skills.

What we do

Planned Activity Group

  • Activities can include gardening, games, craft and exercise
  • Based in Kangaroo Flat

Fitness for Older Adults Program (FOAP)

The following exercise groups are available to attend at various locations: 

  • Exercise to Music
  • Strength training
  • Walking groups
  • Tai Chi

Attending exercise groups can help you with mobility, flexibility, strength and balance.

What to expect

The Community Allied Health Services team will work with you to understand your goals, strengths, abilities and needs.

How to access this service

  • For people aged 65 years and over, (or 50 years and over for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people) referral is via:
  • For people aged under 65 years (or 50 years and under for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people) referral is via Bendigo Health Referral Centre.
    PH: 03 5454 7055


How to refer your patient

  • For people aged 65 years and over (or 50 years and over for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people) referral is via:, PH: 1800 200 422
  • For people aged under 65 years (or under 50 years for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people) referral is via Bendigo Health Referral Centre.
    PH: 03 5454 7055
