This Clinic is conducted by our respiratory physicians and a nurse practitioner seeing patients with breathing difficulties caused by such things as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma and a variety of other conditions. It should be noted that Bendigo Health does not provide a service for sleep apnoea.

How to access this clinic

You will need a referral letter from your GP or medical practitioner to access this service.

Your doctor will need to fax your referral to us send it electronically. When your referral is received it will be reviewed by the consulting team and categorised based on clinical urgency.

We will then notify you of the outcome of the specialist review, what your clinical urgency category is, and the expected waiting time for your appointment.

While every attempt will be made to provide you with the earliest possible appointment, the most urgent patients are given priority.

What to bring

  • Your appointment letter
  • A list of medications that you are currently taking
  • Any relevant test results or x-rays from services outside Bendigo Health
  • Any relevant cards (Medicare Card, Health Care Card, Aged Pension, DVA).

Your Appointment

Our Clinics are located on Level 1 in the Bendigo Hospital. We have an automated check-in system. You can either scan your appointment letter or Medicare card at the check-in kiosk to register your arrival. You will be directed to provide a contact mobile phone number. This will enable us to inform you via text message when your appointment is drawing near.

Patients are seen strictly in order of appointment time. We do our best to run to time, however delays do occur and we therefore recommend that you allow at least two hours for your appointment.

Our clinics are conducted by a team of doctors, you may not be seen by the Consultant whose name appears on your appointment letter.

If you need to reschedule or cancel you appointment you should contact 03 5454 8896.

Automated check-in system

Head of Department

Dr Emma Broadfield

Specialist Clinics

Level 1 Clinics, Bendigo Hospital


100 Barnard Street
Entry via Mercy Street, Bendigo, VIC, 3550

How to refer your patient

We accept e-Referrals (preferred) and faxed referrals.

  • The SeNT e-Referral software allows GPs to send secure referrals electronically to Bendigo Health. 
  • Referrals can be faxed to 03 5454 8922
  • This clinic at Bendigo Health is registered as a MBS clinic. If you are referring to these clinics please include the following information:

    - Be addressed to one of the relevant clinician
    - Recent investigations (pathology, histology and medical imaging)
    - Relevant history
    - The date of referral
    - The referring Doctors name, address, provider number and signature

    Please click here for more information.

Referrals will be triaged according to clinical need by the team in the speciality required for your patient’s condition. The more information you include with your referral, the better able we are to make an accurate assessment of your patient’s needs.

Both you and your patient will be notified of the outcome of the referral.

The demand on specialist clinics is high. Consequently, waiting times for some specialties can be quite lengthy.

Should you have any queries regarding your patient’s referral, please contact the Clinic Nurse Liaison via the dedicated GP only telephone number (if you do not have access to this, please email to request same).

Our Service

This Clinic is conducted by our respiratory physicians and a nurse practitioner seeing patients with breathing difficulties caused by such things as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma and a variety of other conditions. It should be noted that Bendigo Health does not provide a service for sleep apnoea.

Head of Department

Dr Emma Broadfield

Specialist Clinics

Level 1 Clinics, Bendigo Hospital


100 Barnard Street
Entry via Mercy Street, Bendigo, VIC, 3550