Intensive Care Unit

The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) cares for over 1000 intensive care, high dependency and coronary care patients each year.

What we do

The ICU is a specialised area designed to care for patients who are seriously ill, have undergone major surgery or those with serious cardiac problems.  

Who we care for

We care for critically ill patients. Critical illness is a condition where life cannot be sustained without invasive therapeutic interventions. A wide variety of diseases may lead to critical illness.

Intensive care patients generally fit into one of the following categories:

  • Patients at high risk of deterioration admitted for intensive monitoring
  • Patients admitted to intensive care post-surgery 
  • Patients who require very intense nursing care or treatment not available on the ward     
  • Patients who have an acute, potentially reversible critical illness requiring organ support

What to expect


  • When you visit your loved one you will notice the monitoring equipment at the bedside, some of which will be connected to your family member. We understand this can be very overwhelming. Our staff will provide you with explanations as to why the equipment is being used.
  • Usual visiting hours are 9.30am-1pm and 3pm-8pm. For up-to-date hours please refer to the Visiting Times page.
    These periods are important so patients can have quiet periods for rest. In exceptional circumstances, visitors may be permitted outside of the stated times.  Occasionally, ICU procedures may need to take place during visiting hours and we request patience as these are completed.
  • For the safety and comfort of your loved one we allow only two visitors at a time. We recommend only close family visit. 
  • We do not limit the length of your visit however given the critical nature of our patients they require plenty of rest. You may be asked to sit in the waiting room at different times while procedures are performed. You will receive a complete explanation of these at the time.

Information about your relative

  • Staff are available in the ICU to provide information to you about your loved one. 
  • You can ring the unit at any time. Due to confidentiality, limited information will be given.


  • We suggest one or two family members be nominated to act as a spokesperson on behalf of your family.
  • We request the spokesperson be responsible for relaying information to family and friends. This will also limit the number or calls to the unit and therefore reduce interruptions to patient care. 
  • Please do not hesitate to discuss any concerns you may have during your family members stay.

Personal Belongings

  • Toiletries are permitted 
  • No valuables
  • No flowers please (for infection control reasons) 

Other Hospital Services:

Please ask the staff if you require any of these services.

Head of Department

Dr Janice Yeung

Intensive Care Unit

Level 2, Bendigo Hospital


100 Barnard Street
Entry via Mercy Street, Bendigo, VIC, 3550


(03) 5454 6000