

Be Your Best: smiles all around

Friday, December 09, 2022 be your bestcareersdental services
Be Your Best: smiles all around
Making the move to regional Victoria has helped Amanda Leske find the perfect balance between work, family and professional development.

Amanda Leske’s tree change began at the start of her career.

Born, raised and educated in the city, she was encouraged by peers to begin dentistry in regional Victoria.

“Bendigo seemed like the perfect regional town – not that far from the big city, excellent food, wine and events and wonderful mentorship from the Bendigo Health senior dentist at the time who guided me to develop as a confident practitioner in those early years,” she said.

“In my first year living in Bendigo I met my husband-to-be and never looked back. Our two sons were born in Bendigo and I think it’s a fantastic place to raise children.”

For Amanda, a senior dentist and dental paediatric specialist at Bendigo Health, dentistry combines all of the elements that make an ideal career choice.

“There is a lot of support and mentoring available, particularly in large community dental services such as Bendigo Health,” she said.

“It offers fantastic variety – every day and every case is different and there are so many areas of speciality to delve in so you can really focus on what you enjoy.”

Amanda is currently providing care to a child with multiple dental anomalies through a combination of surgery and orthodontics.

“I can’t wait to see the improvement. This can be life changing for a child and it is a privilege to be involved as the primary coordinator and provider of their care.”

Amanda’s tree change has allowed her to balance her work, family and professional life while also progressing her career through other avenues.

“I currently hold a position as honorary senior lecturer at La Trobe University and I’m responsible for the clinical governance of the student clinic in my role as senior dentist at Bendigo Health,” she said.

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