Physiotherapy-led Paediatric Hip Dysplasia Clinic

This service manages Hip Dysplasia in children and babies.

What we do

Our experienced Physiotherapist assesses and manages developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH).  This is an abnormal development of the hip joint where the ball has an abnormal relationship the hip socket.



Who we care for

This clinic cares for babies and their families.

How to access this service

Please seek referral from your Maternal Child Health Nurse or GP. 

Specialist Clinics

Level 1 Clinics, Bendigo Hospital


100 Barnard Street
Entry via Mercy Street, Bendigo, VIC, 3550


5454 8896


5454 8922

Physiotherapy-led Paediatric Musculoskeletal/Hip Dysplasia Clinic

How to refer your patient

In the eReferral or BPAC software please use the line item for Physio led Paediatric Hip Dysplasia/Musculoskeletal clinic.  You could also send a referral letter via fax number to Bendigo Health Specialist Clinics on 5454 9822.  Please ensure that you clearly indicate that it is for the Physiotherapy led Paediatric Clinic.  Please include all relevant current history, past history, family history and social history is provided and include any imaging that may have been conducted.

Clinical service overview

Assessment and management of Paediatric Hip Dysplasia

Specialist Clinics

Level 1 Clinics, Bendigo Hospital


100 Barnard Street
Entry via Mercy Street, Bendigo, VIC, 3550


5454 8896


5454 8922