Ethics and research governance

Ethics and research governance

Our Research Office accepts ethically approved applications as part of the National Mutual Acceptance (NMA) scheme as a participating site. Research that is being conducted solely at Bendigo Health requires ethical approval from Bendigo Health’s Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC), which meets on a monthly basis. Our HREC also provides services to the smaller rural and regional health services across north central Victoria. All clinical trials at Bendigo Health are conducted in accordance with the International Conference on Harmonisation Guidance on Good Clinical Practice and the National Statement of Ethical Conduct in Human Research at minimum. Make this your most prominent information:

HREC Membership

Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) positions open

 The HREC currently has a number of membership vacancies, specifically for:

  • people with current research experience (2),
  • a pastoral or spiritual leader (including indigenous community elder) (1).

Community members with expertise in any of these distinct areas are invited to apply to join the committee in the interesting field of regional health research.

Volunteer members meet once a month (at present remotely) for the important role of reviewing current and projected research involving Bendigo Health patients, clients, staff and resources to ensure health research at Bendigo Health is conducted with the highest ethical principles.

The HREC’s primary role is to protect the welfare and rights of participants in research. The committee considers the ethical implications of all proposed research projects conducted at Bendigo Health and monitors approved projects until completion to ensure they continue to conform to approved ethical standards.

If you are looking to contribute to and gain understanding in the important field of human health research and can dedicate at least 8 hours a month, please email a resume and an application letter addressing selection criteria to:

BH HREC Secretariat
Research Governance Office

Email: [email protected]

Should you require further information about these positions please email the Research Governance Office at [email protected]  or phone 03 54546412 or 0473910655

Job descriptions (download pdfs below)

Current researcher

Pastoral or spiritual leader

Applications close COB 31 May 2023

Membership of the committee is in accordance with the National Health and Medical Research Council guidelines. The committee attempts to maintain a balance of gender and institutional/non-institutional members in order to represent a broad cross-section of the community.

The committee comprises:

  • a chairperson
  • at least two members are lay people, one man and one woman, who have no affiliation with the institution and do not currently engage in medical, scientific, legal or academic work
  • at least two members with current research experience that is relevant to research proposals to be considered at the meetings they attend
  • at least one member with knowledge of, and current experience in, the professional care, counselling or treatment of people; for example, a nurse or allied health professional
  • at least one member who performs a pastoral care role in a community, for example, an Aboriginal elder, a minister of religion
  • at least one member who is a lawyer

Ethics and research governance


All research conducted at Bendigo Health must receive ethical approval from either the Bendigo Health HREC or by an NMA reviewing HREC and also governance authorisation from Bendigo Health before it can commence.

Bendigo Health’s Research Governance Manager provides administrative support to Bendigo Health's HREC and provides advice and support to researchers with their ethics applications.

Additionally, assistance and support are provided to researchers with their Bendigo Health governance submissions.

Bendigo Health HREC Meeting Schedule, HREC Review and Research Governance Fees

Please complete the fee payment form and email it to [email protected] once you have submitted your application and supporting documents to Ethical Review Manager (ERM). 

A GST of 10% will be applied to all external projects (that is, where the principal investigator is not a Bendigo Health staff member). 

The Bendigo Health HREC, including its Low-Risk Review Panel, is responsible for reviewing proposals involving Bendigo Health patients, clients, staff and resources.

The HREC’s primary role is to protect the welfare and rights of participants in research. The HREC consists of representation sufficient to satisfy the requirements of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) for the constitution of institutional ethics committees.

The functions of the committee are both advisory and executive. They include consideration of the ethical implications of all proposed research projects and monitoring of approved projects until completion to ensure they continue to conform to approved ethical standards.

The committee ensures statutes relevant to ethical considerations are compiled within the formulation and conduct of research practices and policies within Bendigo Health. They also establish procedures to assist in the examination and review of research proposals and protocols for new forms of treatment and therapy. As part of this, it is the responsibility of the HREC to review new research proposals, monitor existing research and maintain a register of all research projects.

Ethics and Research Governance

Ph: 03 5454 6412
Email: [email protected]

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