E.g. discharge summaries, Emergency Department notes, clinical/progress notes, radiology and pathology results, correspondence and referral letters, medication records, observation charts, care plans, operation and anaesthetic records.
This will assist us to identify and locate documents relevant to your request.
Yes: the document will be released with any exempt material deleted and clearly marked. No: the document will be refused in full.
You must provide signed authority from the patient to release their information or provide evidence that you have the authority to access this information. If a patient is a child under the age of 16 and there are legal circumstances that may impact on the release of the child’s information, evidence that you have the right to access the patient’s information must be provided (i.e. a copy of the Family Court Order).
Where the patient is deceased, the patient’s senior available next of kin must provide evidence that they are the next of kin (i.e. copy of the death certificate) and sign an authority to release the information if release is to a third party.
A $32.70 application fee (non-refundable) must accompany this form before the processing of this request can begin. For waiver of the application fee, please provide a copy of your valid Health Care Card or Pension Card or other evidence of hardship below.
In addition to the application fee, the following access charges may apply. If applicable, you will be notified by mail of the relevant charges, which must be paid before you can access the documents. Do not pay these charges now. -Search charge of $24.50 per hour or part of (excludes requests relating to personal affairs of the applicant) -Viewing charge of $24.50 per hour, calculated per quarter hour or part of a quarter hour -Document charge of 20 cents per A4 page -Radiology on USB charge of $10 per USB (includes reports) -Registered mail charge of $11
Always quote - FOI and full patient name, and email remittance to debtors@bendigohealth.org.au
Include photo identification that clearly shows your signature (e.g. driver licence or passport)