Ward 4A - Medical

Ward 4A (Medical) provides a wide range of acute medical services for inpatients, such as those with respiratory, cardiac and oncological conditions.

What we do

We accept patients from the emergency department, as well as direct admissions from outpatients, Day Oncology, Cath Lab and specialists rooms.

The medical ward also accepts transfers from other smaller hospitals, (when care needs exceed the services available from the local health service), for treatment of medical conditions requiring care from a regional hospital.

Who we care for

We care for adults with medical conditions from Bendigo Health’s catchment area. This may include handing over care and transferring patients closer to their own community when that service can meet their care needs.

How to access this service

Admission to the medical wards is primarily via the emergency department, or admission/transfer from external sources after consultation from GP/medical officer, who liaises with the medical registrar on intake, contactable via switchboard.

Commonly asked questions

What is the average length of stay?

The average stay is 2-3 days, but this will depend on your medical condition, we suggest you discuss with your doctors on arrival and during your stay

 How do I get home?

Getting home is the individual’s responsibility, we suggest you discuss this with your nurse on admission so we can support you in making necessary arrangements.

Discharge time is usually at 10 am, to facilitate pick up there is a discharge lounge where you can be picked up at a time that suits. 

 What do I need to bring?

Bring your current medication or accurate list of medication including name, dose, and strength.

Toiletries, pyjamas, clothes for during the day, well-fitting non-slip footwear. Small change for incidentals. Medicare and private health insurance details, if applicable.

 What not to bring?

We suggest you do not bring valuables or large amounts of money. We have facilities to lock away money or valuables in emergencies, if requested, please ask staff to assist. 

Any items you bring are at your own risk. The hospital cannot take responsibility for any losses.

Head of Department

Dr Mark Savage

Bendigo Hospital

Access via Mercy Street


100 Barnard Street, Bendigo, VIC, 3550


03 5454 8678