Disease Management

Disease Management

Current notifiable conditions managed by LMPHU

The management of notifications of the following communicable diseases in our region has transitioned from the Victorian Department of Health to the Loddon Mallee Public Health Unit.

To notify a case, please use the online notification smart form.  

If Urgent Notifiable Conditions, please call 1800 959 400

To speak to the Public Health Unit please call 1800 959 400 or email [email protected]

Notifiable conditions

To report a notifiable condition of an individual case or outbreaks of a notifiable infectious disease, condition or micro-organism, see the Victorian Department of Health's notification procedures for infectious diseases.

 Operational considerations

  • Consider providing updates weekly via area or LGA huddles
  • Consider communication needs via Loddon Mallee Health Network Regional Communication arrangements and information sharing
  • Consider regional coordination role for set-up needs (dependent on complexity)