Health Protection

Health Protection

Health Protection

The purpose of communicable disease control is to protect communities from the health impacts of uncontrolled transmission and circulation of infectious diseases. Prevention and control activities include receipt of notifications of communicable diseases, management of cases, contacts and outbreaks, and environmental measures.

  • LMPHU is notified of a positive case or outbreaks from the Department of Health or directly from stakeholders. When to notify and via what method is detailed extensively – Click here to notify or learn more 


  • Review current protocols to manage cases, contacts and outbreaks as per Department of Health standard guidelines
  • Critical to effective management is Intelligence and planning.  

Operational considerations

  • Skill-mix/workforce considerations, including availability of a Surge workforce.
  • Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to operationalise protocols based on organisational demands. 
  • Organise regular staff meetings (eg. daily) to ensure staff coordination & operational demand is met, disseminate guideline updates and maintain morale.