Loddon Mallee Health Network

The purpose of the region-wide communications is to ensure and support information sharing across the region to enable all health services to act as a service system for the communities across the LMR.

The Loddon Mallee Health Network (LMHN) supports a regular COVID coordination meeting for LMHN Member (and Associate) CEOs, Operational or Pandemic Response Leads at each health service or agency.  The frequency of these meetings may be weekly, fortnightly or less and will be determined by health service CEOs according to health service demand and peaks in relation to COVID prevalence.

Operational considerations

  • COVID-19 Regional response coordination meetings with regional partner health services – reporting and updates
  • LMPHU Director to provide regular updates to LMHN board and members
  • Include awareness of the regional plan in PHU & regional health service partners’ orientation and training. 


Yvonne Wrigglesworth, General Manager: [email protected]

Tara Cramer, Manager, Regional Programs: [email protected]

General inbox: [email protected]