The Loddon Mallee Public Health Unit's (LMPHU)health protection role involves protecting individuals, groups and populations against emerging health threats related to infectious diseases and the environment.   

The management of communicable disease conditions in our region has transitioned from the Victorian Department of Health to the LMPHU. 

This involves surveillance and monitoring of infectious diseases, responding to case investigations and outbreaks, strategic health protection work, and outbreak planning in addition to education and training for healthcare professionals and communities. 

For medical practitioners and laboratories

If you are Medical Practitioner or laboratory notifying a case please use the online notification smart form or for urgent conditions please call the Loddon Mallee Public Health Unit on 1800 959 400. 

For community members

If you are a member of the community and we have tried to contact you this may be because: 

  • Your medical practitioner has notified us that you have or are suspected to have a notifiable disease  

  • We believe you may have been exposed to notifiable disease 

The purpose of our contact is to identify the source of the disease, prevent further cases, and to assist broader prevention strategiesAll information provided by you is confidential and protected by legislation; it is only shared when necessary, with authorised relevant parties.   

To speak to the Loddon Mallee Public Health Unit please call 1800 959 400 or email [email protected] 

Notifiable conditions

Please see below the list of Urgent and Routine Notifiable conditions that LMPHU manage: 

Communicable Disease  Condition Type Notifiable Status DH Resource Additional Links
Anthrax Zoonoses Urgent

*Medical practitioners: not required to notify Pathology services must notify immediately by telephone, followed by written notification within five days.

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Botulism Enteric Condition Urgent

*Medical practitioners: not required to notify Pathology services must notify immediately by telephone, followed by written notification within five days.

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Candida Auris AMR Organisms Urgent

*Medical practitioners: not required to notify Pathology services must notify immediately by telephone, followed by written notification within five days.

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Cholera Enteric Condition Urgent

*Medical practitioners: not required to notify Pathology services must notify immediately by telephone, followed by written notification within five days.

Control Guidelines

Diphtheria Vaccine Preventable Diseases Urgent

*Medical practitioners: not required to notify Pathology services must notify immediately by telephone, followed by written notification within five days.

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Food or Water-Borne Illness Enteric Condition Urgent

(2 or more cases) Must be notified by medical practitioners and pathology services immediately by telephone 1800 959 400

Control Guidelines

Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome (HUS) Enteric Condition Urgent

Must be notified by medical practitioners and pathology services immediately by telephone 1800 959 400

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel


Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (Hib) Vaccine Preventable Diseases Urgent Must be notified by medical practitioners and pathology services immediately by telephone 1800 959 400

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

 Hepatitis A Enteric Condition  Urgent Must be notified by medical practitioners and pathology services immediately by telephone 1800 959 400

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel


iGAS- (Streptococcal Infection-Group A) Vaccine Preventable Disease  Urgent

Medical practitioners and pathology services must notify cases of iGAS immediately upon diagnosis to the Department of Health.
Pathology services must also provide written notification within 5 working days. 

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Invasive Meningococcal Disease (IMD) Vaccine Preventable Diseases Urgent

Must be notified by medical practitioners and pathology services immediately by telephone 1800 959 400

Control Guidelines

 Better Health Channel


Japanese Encephalitis (JEV) Vector-borne Condition Urgent

Must be notified by medical practitioners and pathology services immediately by telephone 1800 959 400

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel


Legionellosis Other (Environmental) Conditions Urgent

Must be notified by medical practitioners and pathology services immediately by telephone 1800 959 400

Notification of Legionellosis

 Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Gardening Safety

Listeriosis Enteric Condition Urgent

Must be notified by medical practitioners and pathology services immediately by telephone 1800 959 400

Control Guidelines 

Better Health Channel

Measles Vaccine Preventable Disease Urgent Must be notified by medical practitioners and pathology services immediately by telephone 1800 959 400   Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV)  Other (Environmental) Conditions Urgent *Medical practitioners: not required to notify Pathology services must notify immediately by telephone, followed by written notification within five days.  Control Guidelines 
MPOX Virus Zoonotic Conditions Urgent Must be notified by medical practitioners and pathology services immediately by telephone 1800 959 400  Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Murray Valley Encephalitis (MVE) Vector-borne Conditions Urgent Must be notified by medical practitioners and pathology services immediately by telephone 1800 959 400

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Paratyphoid & Typhoid Enteric Condition Urgent

Must be notified by medical practitioners and pathology services immediately by telephone 1800 959 400 

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Plague Zoonoses Urgent

*Medical practitioners: not required to notify Pathology services must notify immediately by telephone, followed by written notification within five days.

Control Guidelines

Poliovirus Vaccine Preventable Diseases Urgent  *Medical practitioners: not required to notify Pathology services must notify immediately by telephone, followed by written notification within five days.  
Rabies & Australian Bat Lyssavirus (ABLV) Zoonotic Condition Urgent Must be notified by medical practitioners and pathology services immediately by telephone 1800 959 400   Control Guidelines

Australian Bat Lyssavirus Infection


Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Other Urgent *Medical practitioners: not required to notify Pathology services must notify immediately by telephone, followed by written notification within five days. Control Guidelines
Smallpox Other (Environmental) Conditions (Quarantinable) Urgent *Medical practitioners: not required to notify Pathology services must notify immediately by telephone, followed by written notification within five days.  Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Tularaemia Zoonotic Condition Urgent *Medical practitioners: not required to notify Pathology services must notify immediately by telephone, followed by written notification within five days.  
Viral Gastroenteritis Enteric Condition Urgent

(2 or more cases) Must be notified by medical practitioners and pathology services immediately by telephone 1800 959 400

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers Other (Environmental) Conditions  Urgent

*Medical practitioners: not required to notify Pathology services must notify immediately by telephone, followed by written notification within five days.

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

 Yellow Fever Vector-borne Condition  Urgent Must be notified by medical practitioners and pathology services immediately by telephone 1800 959 400

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel



Communicable Disease Condition Type Notifiable Status DH Resource Additional Links
Acute Rheumatic Fever/Rheumatic Heart Disease Vaccine Preventable Disease Routine

*Medical practitioners who reasonably believe that a patient has, or may have, ARF or RHD must notify the Department of Health in writing within five business days. 

Notification of Acute Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease by medical professional’s form

Control Guidelines

Rheumatic Heart Disease

Rheumatic Fever

Arbo (Zika) Infection Vector-borne Condition  Routine Notification of Zika Virus form

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Barmah Forest Vector-borne Condition Routine Notification of Barmah Forest virus infection form

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Brucellosis Zoonotic Condition  Routine Notification of Brucellosis form

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel


Campylobacter Infection Enteric Condition Routine *must be notified by medical practitioners and pathology services in writing within 5 days

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Carbapenemase- producing Acinetobacter spp AMR Organisms Routine *Medical practitioners: not required to notify *Pathology services: written notification within 5 days.

For long term residential care facilities: Control Guidelines

For Health Services: Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales AMR Organisms Routine *Medical practitioners: not required to notify *Pathology services: written notification within 5 days.

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Chikungunya Virus  Vector-borne Condition Routine Notification of chikungunya virus infection form

Control Guidelines

Chlamydia Blood Borne Virus/ Sexually Transmitted Infection Routine *Medical practitioners: not required to notify *Pathology services: written notification within 5 days.

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel


COVID-19 Respiratory Condition Routine

*Medical practitioners: not required to notify

*pathology services: written notification within 5 days.

Control Guidelines

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) Other Conditions Routine *must be notified by medical practitioners and pathology services in writing within 5 days.

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel


Creutzfeldt-Jakob Variant Disease (CJKVD) Other Conditions  Routine *must be notified by medical practitioners and pathology services in writing within 5 days.

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel


Cryptosporidiosis Enteric Condition  Routine *must be notified by medical practitioners and pathology services in writing within 5 days.

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel


Dengue Vector-borne Condition Routine Notification of Dengue Form

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Donovanosis Blood Borne Virus/ Sexually Transmitted Infection Routine Notification of Donovanosis form

Control Guidelines

Gonorrhea Blood Borne Virus/ Sexually Transmitted Infection Routine Notification of Gonococcal infection form

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Hepatitis B Blood Borne Virus/ Sexually Transmitted Infection Routine Notification of Hepatitis B form

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

 Hepatitis C Blood Borne Virus/ Sexually Transmitted Infection  Routine Notification of Hepatitis C form 

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

 Hepatitis D Blood Borne Virus/ Sexually Transmitted Infection  Routine Notification of Hepatitis D form

Control Guidelines

Hepatitis E Enteric Condition Routine

*must be notified by medical practitioners and pathology services in writing within 5 days

Notifiable conditions form (routine condition) 

Control Guidelines

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)  Blood Borne Virus/ Sexually Transmitted Infection  Routine Notification of HIV infection form

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel 

Influenza Respiratory Condition Routine

*Medical practitioners not required to notify

*Pathology services: written notification within 5 days.

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Invasive Pneumococcal Disease (IPD) Vaccine Preventable Disease  Routine

Notification of Pneumococcal infection form

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Kunjin/ West Nile Virus Vector-borne Condition  Routine *Medical practitioners not required to notify

*Pathology services: written notification within 5 days.

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Leprosy Other conditions Routine

* notified by medical practitioners and pathology services in writing within 5 days.

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Leptospirosis Zoonotic Condition  Routine Notification of Leptospirosis form

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Malaria Vector-borne  Routine

Notification of Malaria form 

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Mumps Vaccine Preventable Diseases Routine

Notification of Mumps form 

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Mycobacterium Ulcerans Zoonotic Condition Routine

Notification of Mycobacterium ulcerans form

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Pertussis Respiratory Condition Routine

*Must be notified by medical practitioners and pathology services to the Department of Health in writing within 5 days.

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Psittacosis (Ornithosis) Zoonotic Condition Routine

Notification of Psittacosis (ornithosis) form

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Q Fever Zoonotic Condition Routine

Notification of Q Fever form

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Ross River Virus Infection Vector-borne Routine

Notification of Ross River virus infection form

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Rotavirus Vaccine Preventable Disease Routine

*Medical practitioners: not required to notify

*Pathology services: Routine- written notification within 5 days.

Control Guidelines 

Better Health Channel

RSV- (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) Respiratory Condition Routine

*Medical practitioners: not required to notify

*Pathology services: written notification within 5 days. 

Better Health Channel
Rubella Vaccine Preventable Disease Routine

Notification of Rubella form 

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Salmonellosis Enteric Condition Routine

*notified by medical practitioners and pathology services in writing within 5 days.

Control Guidelines


Better Health Channel

Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) infection Enteric Condition Routine

Notification of STEC form 

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Shigella  Enteric Condition Routine

Notification of Shigellosis form

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

 Syphilis Blood Borne Virus/ Sexually Transmitted Infection  Routine

Notification of Syphilis form

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel


Vaccine Preventable Disease Routine

*notified by medical practitioners and pathology services in writing within 5 days.

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel

Varicella Zoster Infection (Chickenpox & Shingles) 

Vaccine Preventable Disease Routine

*must be notified by medical practitioners and pathology services in writing within 5 days 

Notifiable conditions form

Control Guidelines

Better Health Channel (Chickenpox)

Better Health Channel (Shingles)

VanA-type vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE) AMR Organisms Routine *Medical practitioners: not required to notify *Pathology services: written notification within 5 days.

Control Guidelines


Better Health Channel



 Operational considerations

  • Consider providing updates weekly via area or LGA huddles
  • Consider communication needs via Loddon Mallee Health Network Regional Communication arrangements and information sharing
  • Consider regional coordination role for set-up needs (dependent on complexity)